I'm Jenna, disorganized perfectionist, coffee lover, proud single mom, and life long learner. Owner & coach here at The Mind Effect.

I'm a supporter of empowerment and inclusion for all, crusader for normalizing mental health and illness, and a passionate advocate for women, mothers, and girls.

I’m here to help you - stressed, fatigued, and unhappy. I want to empower you. And I want to teach you tools that really work so you can feel calmer, happier, and healthier. 

Through multiple careers the common thread has always been teaching and empowering. Whether I was working as a receptionist helping customers making huge decisions, empowering old-school people in new tech, teaching and mentoring staff, or running my own small retail store for parents, the empowerment has always been the best part. I’ve always been drawn to helping people.

I’ve always been especially driven to empower and support women and mothers. Some of the most satisfying projects I’ve worked on have been helping female entrepreneurs on the road to success, standing for women in male dominated industries, leading a breastfeeding support group, and working to normalize other controversial parenting choices.

My diverse background - personally and professionally - has uniquely positioned me to be able to run The Mind Effect and offer guidance, support, and empowerment to struggling women and mothers.

In my early teen years I had an experience with blushing in response to thoughts caused by what someone said. While really isn't remarkable in itself, it led to a lot of curiosity about the brain and the body being connected, and a life-long fascination began. 

Since then I’ve been very aware of and focused on my mind-body connection and the power of the brain. By mind-body connection I mean the literal measurable changes that thoughts, experiences, and feelings can create in your body. Or in other words, neuroscience. 

Most of my life I’ve also always struggled with mental health. After my second daughter was born especially I battled with severe postpartum depression and anxiety. 

The tools I learned from my interest in the brain and psychology were pivotal in my recovery and continued well-being. Things like mindset, intentional thought, meditation, affirmations, mindfulness, cognitive behavior therapy, and so much more. These might sound a bit woo-woo, but my focus is only on tools and resources that are scientifically supported. 

I did, of course, seek professional help as well, and I have no problem with sharing that I needed, and still take, medication as a part of my treatment. But the medication wouldn’t have really helped treat the real problem without the other resources and tools I’ve used over the years. 

I still use all of those tools on a daily basis, because they don’t just work for mental health.

As a disorganized perfectionist I’ve often battled with overwhelm, burnout, disorganization. These things have often let to frustration, misery, and chaos for me. But my most powerful weapon against these things has always been my mindset, and the various tools I use to shift my mindset and my experience in life. Today I am happier, healthier, and calmer than ever before.

I can't wait to share these tools, and how & why they actually work, with you - so you can feel good again and get through the chaos.